Source code for skcmeans.algorithms

"""Implementations of a number of C-means algorithms.

.. [1] J. C. Bezdek, J. Keller, R. Krisnapuram, and N. R. Pal, Fuzzy models
   and algorithms for pattern recognition and image processing. Kluwer Academic
   Publishers, 2005.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from .initialization import initialize_random, initialize_probabilistic

[docs]class CMeans: """Base class for C-means algorithms. Parameters ---------- n_clusters : int, optional The number of clusters to find. n_init : int, optional The number of times to attempt convergence with new initial centroids. max_iter : int, optional The number of cycles of the alternating optimization routine to run for *each* convergence. tol : float, optional The stopping condition. Convergence is considered to have been reached when the objective function changes less than `tol`. verbosity : int, optional The verbosity of the instance. May be 0, 1, or 2. .. note:: Very much not yet implemented. random_state : :obj:`int` or :obj:`np.random.RandomState`, optional The generator used for initialization. Using an integer fixes the seed. eps : float, optional To avoid numerical errors, zeros are sometimes replaced with a very small number, specified here. Attributes ---------- metric : :obj:`string` or :obj:`function` The distance metric used. May be any of the strings specified for :obj:`cdist`, or a user-specified function. initialization : function The method used to initialize the cluster centers. centers : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_clusters, n_features) The derived or supplied cluster centers. memberships : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_clusters) The derived or supplied cluster memberships. """ metric = 'euclidean' initialization = staticmethod(initialize_random) def __init__(self, n_clusters=2, n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=1e-4, verbosity=0, random_state=None, eps=1e-18, **kwargs): self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.n_init = n_init self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.verbosity = verbosity self.random_state = random_state self.eps = eps self.params = kwargs self.centers = None self.memberships = None
[docs] def distances(self, x): """Calculates the distance between data x and the centers. The distance, by default, is calculated according to `metric`, but this method should be overridden by subclasses if required. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_clusters) Each entry (i, j) is the distance between sample i and cluster center j. """ return cdist(x, self.centers, metric=self.metric)
[docs] def calculate_memberships(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "`calculate_memberships` should be implemented by subclasses.")
[docs] def calculate_centers(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "`calculate_centers` should be implemented by subclasses.")
[docs] def objective(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "`objective` should be implemented by subclasses.")
[docs] def fit(self, x): """Optimizes cluster centers by restarting convergence several times. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ objective_best = np.infty memberships_best = None centers_best = None j_list = [] for i in range(self.n_init): self.centers = None self.memberships = None self.converge(x) objective = self.objective(x) j_list.append(objective) if objective < objective_best: memberships_best = self.memberships.copy() centers_best = self.centers.copy() objective_best = objective self.memberships = memberships_best self.centers = centers_best return j_list
[docs] def converge(self, x): """Finds cluster centers through an alternating optimization routine. Terminates when either the number of cycles reaches `max_iter` or the objective function changes by less than `tol`. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ centers = [] j_new = np.infty for i in range(self.max_iter): j_old = j_new self.update(x) centers.append(self.centers) j_new = self.objective(x) if np.abs(j_old - j_new) < self.tol: break return np.array(centers)
[docs] def update(self, x): """Updates cluster memberships and centers in a single cycle. If the cluster centers have not already been initialized, they are chosen according to `initialization`. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ self.initialize(x) self.memberships = self.calculate_memberships(x) self.centers = self.calculate_centers(x)
[docs] def initialize(self, x): if self.centers is None and self.memberships is None: self.memberships, self.centers = \ self.initialization(x, self.n_clusters, self.random_state) elif self.memberships is None: self.memberships = \ self.initialization(x, self.n_clusters, self.random_state)[0] elif self.centers is None: self.centers = \ self.initialization(x, self.n_clusters, self.random_state)[1]
[docs]class Hard(CMeans): """Hard C-means, equivalent to K-means clustering. Methods ------- calculate_memberships(x) The membership of a sample is 1 to the closest cluster and 0 otherwise. calculate_centers(x) New centers are calculated as the mean of the points closest to them. objective(x) Interpretable as the data's rotational inertia about the cluster centers. To be minimised. """
[docs] def calculate_memberships(self, x): distances = self.distances(x) return (np.arange(distances.shape[1])[:, np.newaxis] == np.argmin( distances, axis=1)).T
[docs] def calculate_centers(self, x): return, x) / \ np.sum(self.memberships, axis=0)[..., np.newaxis]
[docs] def objective(self, x): if self.memberships is None or self.centers is None: return np.infty distances = self.distances(x) return np.sum(self.memberships * distances)
[docs]class Fuzzy(CMeans): """Base class for fuzzy C-means clusters. Attributes ---------- m : float Fuzziness parameter. Higher values reduce the rate of drop-off from full membership to zero membership. Methods ------- fuzzifier(memberships) Fuzzification operator. By default, for memberships $u$ this is $u^m$. objective(x) Interpretable as the data's weighted rotational inertia about the cluster centers. To be minimised. """ m = 2
[docs] def fuzzifier(self, memberships): return np.power(memberships, self.m)
[docs] def objective(self, x): if self.memberships is None or self.centers is None: return np.infty distances = self.distances(x) return np.sum(self.fuzzifier(self.memberships) * distances)
[docs]class Probabilistic(Fuzzy): """Probabilistic C-means. In the probabilistic algorithm, sample points have total membership of unity, distributed equally among each of the centers. This tends to push cluster centers away from each other. Methods ------- calculate_memberships(x) Memberships are calculated from the distance :math:`d_{ij}` between the sample :math:`j` and the cluster center :math:`i`. .. math:: u_{ik} = \left(\sum_j \left( \\frac{d_{ik}}{d_{jk}} \\right)^{\\frac{2}{m - 1}} \\right)^{-1} calculate_centers(x) New centers are calculated as the mean of the points closest to them, weighted by the fuzzified memberships. .. math:: c_i = \left. \sum_k u_{ik}^m x_k \middle/ \sum_k u_{ik} \\right. """
[docs] def calculate_memberships(self, x): distances = self.distances(x) distances[distances == 0.] = 1e-18 return np.sum(np.power( np.divide(distances[:, :, np.newaxis], distances[:, np.newaxis, :]), 2 / (self.m - 1)), axis=2) ** -1
[docs] def calculate_centers(self, x): return, x) / \ np.sum(self.fuzzifier(self.memberships).T, axis=1)[..., np.newaxis]
[docs]class Possibilistic(Fuzzy): """Possibilistic C-means. In the possibilistic algorithm, sample points are assigned memberships according to their relative proximity to the centers. This is controlled through a weighting to the cluster centers, approximately the variance of each cluster. Methods ------- calculate_memberships(x) Memberships are calculated from the distance :math:`d_{ij}` between the sample :math:`j` and the cluster center :math:`i`, and the weighting :math:`w_i` of each center. .. math:: u_{ik} = \left(1 + \left(\\frac{d_{ik}}{w_i}\\right)^\\frac{1}{m -1} \\right)^{-1} calculate_centers(x) New centers are calculated as the mean of the points closest to them, weighted by the fuzzified memberships. .. math:: c_i = \left. \sum_k u_{ik}^m x_k \middle/ \sum_k u_{ik} \\right. """ initialization = staticmethod(initialize_probabilistic) _weights = None
[docs] def weights(self, x): if self._weights is None: distances = self.distances(x) memberships = self.memberships self._weights = np.sum(self.fuzzifier(memberships) * distances, axis=0) / np.sum(self.fuzzifier(memberships), axis=0) return self._weights
[docs] def calculate_memberships(self, x): distances = self.distances(x) return (1. + (distances / self.weights(x)) ** ( 1. / (self.m - 1))) ** -1.
[docs] def calculate_centers(self, x): return np.divide(, x), np.sum(self.fuzzifier(self.memberships), axis=0)[ ..., np.newaxis])
[docs]class GustafsonKesselMixin(Fuzzy): """Gives clusters ellipsoidal character. The Gustafson-Kessel algorithm redefines the distance measurement such that clusters may adopt ellipsoidal shapes. This is achieved through updates to a covariance matrix assigned to each cluster center. Examples -------- Create a algorithm for probabilistic clustering with ellipsoidal clusters: >>> class ProbabilisticGustafsonKessel(GustafsonKesselMixin, Probabilistic): >>> pass >>> pgk = ProbabilisticGustafsonKessel() >>> """ covariance = None
[docs] def fit(self, x): """Optimizes cluster centers by restarting convergence several times. Extends the default behaviour by recalculating the covariance matrix with resultant memberships and centers. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ j_list = super(GustafsonKesselMixin, self).fit(x) self.covariance = self.calculate_covariance(x) return j_list
[docs] def update(self, x): """Single update of the cluster algorithm. Extends the default behaviour by including a covariance calculation after updating the centers Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ self.initialize(x) self.centers = self.calculate_centers(x) self.covariance = self.calculate_covariance(x) self.memberships = self.calculate_memberships(x)
[docs] def distances(self, x): covariance = self.covariance if self.covariance is not None \ else self.calculate_covariance(x) d = x - self.centers[:, np.newaxis] left_multiplier = \ np.einsum('...ij,...jk', d, np.linalg.inv(covariance)) return np.sum(left_multiplier * d, axis=2).T
[docs] def calculate_covariance(self, x): """Calculates the covariance of the data `u` with cluster centers `v`. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_clusters, n_features, n_features) The covariance matrix of each cluster. """ v = self.centers if v is None: return None q, p = v.shape if self.memberships is None: # If no memberships have been calculated assume n-spherical clusters return (np.eye(p)[..., np.newaxis] * np.ones((p, q))).T q, p = v.shape vector_difference = x - v[:, np.newaxis] fuzzy_memberships = self.fuzzifier(self.memberships) right_multiplier = \ np.einsum('...i,...j->...ij', vector_difference, vector_difference) einstein_sum = \ np.einsum('i...,...ijk', fuzzy_memberships, right_multiplier) / \ np.sum(fuzzy_memberships, axis=0)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] return np.nan_to_num( einstein_sum / (np.linalg.det(einstein_sum) ** (1 / q))[ ..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis])